History of Cou Soroti Diocese

The Evolution of Cou Soroti Diocese: a timeline of key events and Changes

The theme for the church of Uganda centenary celebrations in 1977 was growing up in every way into Christ”- Ephesians 4:15. this theme enabled those who were celebrating the 100 years of church life in Uganda to look back to see what the church had achieved over that period and with that in mind reflect on the future. It is our hope that the brief history of the Church activity in Teso (Church of Uganda, Soroti Diocese) shall not only help us to see how we have performed in the past. But also motivate our interests and talents in the service of God and his church in the future. When Christianity came to Uganda in 1877- introduced by the Church missionary society – it was first received in Buganda and later extended to Teso and other parts of the country through local missionaries from Buganda. One of the best known of these was Kakungulu. However, the colonial rulers used these Missionaries as agents to set up their Administrative structures. 1887: The Diocese of Uganda was formed out of the then diocese of Eastern Equatorial Africa.  


The Diocese of Uganda was formed out of the then diocese of Eastern Equatorial Africa.


Semei Kakungulu and troops enter Teso and capture kings like Mwanga and Kabalega at Angai in Kumam land, and sets up headquarters at Bululu.


Kakungulu passes through Serere and establishes native Administration “with its seat at Budaka to dominate the entire region.


The first preaching of the Gospel in teso at the home of Mr. Oumo from Kumi by a chaplain Rev. Batulabudde of Kakungulu’s army.


Bishop Tucker visits Teso following the transfer of Rev. A.L. Kitching from Acholi to Teso


Rev. Kitching arrives in Kumi together with Rev. Batulabudde and begins to build the Church Missionary Society (CMS) Station at Ngora


November, the first two people to be baptized; Y. Ogwanga and E. Sewagudde.


H. Dilliston arrives and begins teaching at Ngora; Bishop Tucker and Dr. and Mrs. Cook reach Bululu and agree to send more Missionaries to Teso when possible.


January, Rev. G.S. Jones arrives but tragically dies the same year of black water fever. The Kalaki Church Missionary Society (CMS) station was opened. In October of the same year, W. Syson expanded the teaching at Ngora as Rev. Kitching translated the gospel of St. Mark.


Rev. Kitching translates the gospel of St. Luke and a catechism which later was revised in 1924. The translating team comprised of Ilukor I, I. Ogwanga, P.Okurapa and Y. Opolot.


October, Ngora Pro- Cathedral Foundation Stone is laid by Bishop Willis and the first confirmation service held.


The group of school teachers trained and issued appointment letters. Throughout this period, education helped spread the gospel to all parts of the Diocese. Ngora High School and Kalaki Central School became important centres for training the first Local Government Workers (LGW). This same year, Eria Emokori became the country of Chief Bukedea County and built a church there.


The very first ceremony of Holy Matrimony in Teso held and the Mothers Union began operating in Teso. Ngora High School starts to train government workers.


Bukedea parish started by Rev. S. Kapere.


Kalaki Parish started by Rev. S. Mugendawala


The Upper Nile Diocese created under Bishop Kitching and Musa Balimunzi becomes the first Parish Priest of Ngora Parish


Leprosy Treatment is began at Akeit, Kapir by Dr. Wiggins and later transferred to Ongino in 1929 on orders of Mr. N. Esunget.


Bishop Kitching retires and bishop Usher Wilson takes over as Bishop of the Upper Nile Diocese.


Rev. Enos. Odiit from Ngora Parish and Samuel Ongola from Soroti Parish became the first ever Iteso to be ordained Priests.


Israel Ekadu becomes the first Kamum to be ordained Priest. During this period, the churches that had already been established served as reading and writing centres. This was the beginning of the Education system we have today. Teaching and worship attracted people to the church. In 1922, the Church also begun to offer other social services and established Health Centres at Ngora and Ongono. This shows that Church has a holistic approach. In these institutions, the people not only learnt matters related to their faith but also matters concerning their physical life. The introduction of cotton growing was a further attempt at uplifting the standards fo living of the people. However, except for Ngora and Kalaki which were key centres, institutional structures during this period were not of permanent materials. At the same time, a good communication network was being put in place. The main roads from the border with Kenya to Kampala was connected northward through Soroti diocese to northern Uganda and Southern Sudan. Good feeder roads were established hinged on this main system. With a good administrative set up at the time, it was easy to market crops and to transport animals and poultry, and other products to feed the central region and the major towns of Mbale, Tororo, Jinja and Kampala.

The period 1960-date


The Church of Uganda Soroti Diocese is created out of the Upper Nile Diocese under the Rt. Rev. Stephen Tomusange as its first Bishop, with Ngora as the Diocesan Centre and in the same year, the translation of the Bible into Ateso is completed.


Soroti becomes the Diocesan seat and Diocesan offices are transferred from Ngora . St. Peter’s Cathedral is completed and begins to be used.


Bishop Athanasius Maraka is enthroned as the second Bishop of Soroti Diocese to succeed Bishop Tomusange who was transferred to West Buganda.


The Rt. Rev. Gersom Ilukor enthroned as the third bishop of Sororti Diocese succeeding the late Bishop Athanasius Maraka. Karamoja Diocese is curved out of Soroti Diocese with the The Rt. Rev. Brian Herd as Bishop


Celebrations to mark the Church of Uganda Centenary (100 years since the arrival of the first missionaries to Uganda in 1877). The Church of Uganda losses her beloved Father the Most Rev. Janan Luwum the then Archbishop of Uganda.


The Soroti Diocese Convention held and it was attended by many people from different parts of Uganda. This was the third convention since the creation of the Diocese with its venue at Soroti Primary School (Soroti Dem School) and it was attended by international dignitaries. The invited guest speakers at the convention included (1) The Most Reverend Silvanus Wani, the then Archbishop of the Church of Uganda (enthroned in 1977) accompanied by his wife; (2) Professor E. Rukare; A lecturer at Makerere University –Facility of Education ; Pastor Brand Thurston; Coordinator of a community evangelism based in Germany; The Rt. Rev. Y. Rwakaikara- Bishop of Bunyoro – Kitara Diocese, then Chairman of the Provincial Board of Mission and also speaker at the 1975 convention ; and the Rt Rev. Festo. Kivengere ; Bishop of Kigezi Diocese, an internationally recognized Evangelist and co- founder of East African Evangelists enterprises.


Amuria and Usuk archdeaconries are created with Rev. Canon .S. Ebugu as Archdeacon and Rev. Canon Yesero Okare becomes the Archdeacon of Soroti, Serere and kaberamaido archdeaconry. When Soroti Diocese was initially created, there was only one Archdeaconry run by George Calecraft. This was later divided into two Archdeaconries; Ngora under Canon Y. Odere encompassing Ngora, Kumi, Bukedea and Katakasi Deaneries and Soroti Archdeaconry under Canon Y. mukula comprising Soroti, Serere, Kaberamaido and Amuria Deaneries.


Six new Archdeaconries were created along with the previous two making a total of (8) eight Archdeaconries. These included Ngora under Ven. Samuel Okedi; Soroti under Ven; Yesero Okare; Kumi run by Ven.Yobu Osuret; Serere under Ven. Enos Engwau; Bukedea run by Ven. Mushulam Onangu; Katakwi under Ven. Y. Adoku and Amuria Archdeaconry run by Ven. Silus Ebugu.


Bishop Gershom Ilukor retires after 25 years as the third Bishop of Soroti Diocese. He is replaced by Bishop Charles Bernard Obaikol Ebitu who becomes the 4th Bishop of Church of Uganda Soroti Diocese. In the same year, Bethany Girls Comprehensive S.S is started as a Girls Boarding Senior Secondary School in the former premises of Soroti Primary Teachers College to provide affordable quality education to girls from poor backgrounds.


Kumi Diocese is curved from Soroti Diocese and The Rt. Rev. Thomas Edison Irigei becomes the first Bishop of Kumi Diocese. With the creation of Kumi Diocese, the Archdeaconries of Kumi, Ngora and Bukedea become part of Kumi Diocese leaving Soroti with 5 Archdeaconries of Soroti, Serere, Kaberamaido, Amuria and Usuk.


Bishop Charles Bernard Obaikol Ebitu retires as the 4th Bishop of Soroti Diocese and is replaced by The Rt. Rev. George William Erwau who becomes the 5th Bishop of Soroti Diocese.


Centenary celebrations of the arrival of Christianity to Kaberamaido held in Kalaki Parish.


Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Diocese as it marks 50 years since its creation.


Creation of 3 new archdeaconries of Kasilo, Kapelebyong and Kalaki by the Diocesan Synod.


The Kuman Bible launched


Soroti Diocesan Convention held in Bethany Girls Comprehensive S.S from 21st-26th /9/2019


Construction of the new St. Peter’s Cathedral Starts and pillars raised.


On 12th July 2018 Bishop George William Erwau, abdicates as the 5th Bishop of Soroti Diocese and the Archbishop, His Grace Stanley Ntagali takes over the running of the Diocese delegating this role to the Rt. Rev. Dr. Nicodemus E. Okille who becomes the care taker Bishop of Soroti Diocese.


On the 20th February 2019 the house of Bishops elects the Rev. Captain Kosea Odongo who was then the Archbishop’s Chaplain as the 6th Bishop of Soroti Diocese. He is consequently consecrated and enthroned as the 6th Bishop of Soroti Diocese on 16th June 2019 at St. Peter’s Cathedral- Soroti Sports Grounds.


Resumption of the Construction of St. Peter’s Cathedral Soroti up to the current state (Roofing)


on 24th- 25th February 2022, the Diocesan Synod approves the creation of two new Archdeaconries of Orungo and Otuboi and 20 new parishes Aukot, Amoroto, Arabaka, Idupa, Akoriei, Apapai, St. James Kidetok, Agule, Kagwara, Oriamo, Okile, Abalang, Amoni, Amusus, Apeduru, Oidala, Amukurat, Getom and Angodingod,


The Diocese celebrates the 3rd Consecration anniversary of the Bishop of Soroti Diocese on 19th June 2022