Mission Department

There are sub-departments that line under mission’s department that is to say mother’s union and youth department.

Our Vision

To evangelize, Disciple and equip God’s people to be the salt and the light of the World.

Our Mission

To Evangelize, Train, and Equip all Christians both -the ordain and laity for ministry of preaching the Gospel to every generation, all section of society, winning souls for Christ.

Departmant Objectives

  1. To proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God and to bring people into personal
  2. Relationship with God through Christ Jesus.
  3. To train and equip believers for discipleship
  4. To respond to human needs of the people with compassion and love.
  5. To seek to transform unjust and oppressive structures of society so that every aspect of it can conform to God’s will.
  6. To promote unity and fellowship in the Church as the body of Christ.

Our main Activities

  1. Promote Anglican believers conference
  2. Clergy and their Wives conference
  3. Archdeaconry planning and familiarization meetings
  4. Diocesan Lay-readers conference
  5. Diocesan Prayer retreat
  6. Diocesan Out –reach mission in Archdeaconries.
  7. Diocesan Children’s conferences
  8. Diocesan Mothers Union conferences
  9. Diocesan Music Competitions
  10. Diocesan Youth conference
  11. Diocesan believers conference
  12. Conducting Rooted in Jesus courses in the Archdeaconries Ongoing throughout the year.