Education Department

Education Department of the Diocese of Soroti is one of the five main Departments through which the Diocese achieves her mandate of proclaiming the gospel in accordance with Christ’s commission to make disciples of all nations .The Department serves and supports Government efforts in the provision of Education and is actively involved in the management and administration of its Institutions within the Diocese with core Gospel values of humility, love and honesty. The Department hasa management Board lead by retiredprofessional, Mr. Ocaet Horace Byatt with a team of other professional backed by a team of committed staff who work to achievethe vision and mission namely.

Our Vision

An enlightened skilled Christian Community

Our Mission

To equip the people of God with Knowledge, skills, attitudes and values for Christian living, growth and service.

What is our committment ?

  • To contribute to the provision, development and management of Education Institutions in Soroti Diocese.
  • To participate in the development and implementation of the Educational policy in Uganda.
  • To contribute to the moral reconstruction and development of society through active promotion of Christian religious values and education in schools and the community.
  • To promote collaboration with the Ministry of Education and other Education actors in the provision and monitoring of Education institutions in the region.
  • To help build the capacity of Diocesan Education and school based structures through strengthening local level leadership.
  • To carry out resource mobilization for the support of development of Education in Teso region.

Our focus

Formal Education (FED)

We focus on Early Childhood Education and Development Support to Primary, Secondary, Vocational and Tertiary Education. The department has 326 of the COU foundation
No. Category Gov’t Grant Aided Private
1. Nursery schools 00 57
2. Primary schools 296 04
3. Secondary schools 26 03
4. Vocational Institutions 03 03
5. Tertiary Institutions 00 02
6. Hostels 00 05
Total 325 74

Theological Education (THED) section

We are mandated to facilitate the raining & Development of Church man power.( Clergy and Lay Person for church ministry Chaplaincy in schools.) As such we have St peters Theological school providing certificate training to the laity in the Diocese and partnering with National and international Anglican theological colleges for other qualification.

Non – Formal Education Section

The Department is mandated to reach and enhancing the capacity of the Orphan and Vulnerable Children, youth in and out of school for self-reliance by providing neededlife skills,Improving moral and spiritual development of the children and advocate for promotion and protection of human rights , Increasing HIV and AIDS awareness in prevention, care and support in schools and communities.

Achievement within this three Years of the reign of Bishop Hosea Odongo as Bishop od soroti Diocese

The physical profile of the office has changed. The educationdepartment premises too change and this was done with donations that were given to you to start your home. The Department will forever be grateful to you Bishop, because you did not think of your house but thoughtabout us first.
There is increased enrolmentof theologicalstudents to ordained ministry that ever before. There are 11 deacons to priest this year, 10 ordinads who completed training ready to be made deacons these years and more 30 students enrolled this year into different theological schools in the county. There are also 88 Student lay readers enrolled this year at St.Peters’ theological college than ever in the history.
In Partnership with Teso Development Trust Uk, The Department was able toConstruct for Agwara Secondary school a 4 classroomblock despite COVID 19 Lockdown.
In partnership with St. James Episcopal Church, The department has been able to provide scholarship to 55 Orphans and Vulnerable Children to access secondary education under CHESI Scheme;
In your short stay in office our district Satellites Schools have received a boost and performance has improved greatly namely: Kamod primary and Kamod SS in Kasilo Archdeaconry, Serere primary school and Serere Secondary School in Serere Archdeaconry, Amuria Primary school andAmuria Secondary in AmuriaArchdeaconry;Soroti Demonstration school and Bethany Girls Comprehensive school in Soroti City Soroti Archdeaconry, St. Thomas Girls SS and Alem P/s inKabermaidoArchdeaconry. Katakwi Primary School and St. Paul Comprehensive SSin UsukArchdeaconry ,Opot Primary, Obalanga Comprehensive and Labira Girls’ secondary school in Kapelebyong Archdeaconry have continues to providing quality education in Teso .

Message from the Diocesan Education coordinator Rev. Obone Godfrey